Cultivating Deep Belonging: A Masterclass on Extended Fieldwork Engagements | A Yale Ethnography Hub series
October 10, 2024, 5-7 PM | Location: 320 York St # 134
Todd Ochao (UNC) and N. Fadeke Castor (Northeeastern)
In the academic year 2024-2025, which coincides with presidential elections and the ten-year anniversary of the Mother Emanuel AME Church shootings, the Hub is undertaking a year of conversations around Critical Practices in the Ethnographic Arts: Citizenship, (R)evolutions, and Black Religion. We will highlight the central role people of African descent (religious and otherwise) have played in the constructions and refutations of modernity, the Americas, and ethnographic epistemes. We take studies of Black religion in the US and the African Diaspora as central to the demolitions, innovations, and salvages of ethnography from which all can learn.
Join us on October 10, 2024, in a conversation on the practice of creating and sustaining long-term research relationships.
“Cultivating Deep Belonging: A Masterclass on Extended Fieldwork Engagements” from 5:00 – 7:00 pm in Humanities Quadrangle 134.